Real Residents. Real Style.
Edgehill residents love their community, and they are happy to tell you about it.
Friendship and fellowship are a big part of what residents love about Edgehill.
- Socials
- Committees
- Dancing
- Dining
- Activities
- Trips

"I am blessed that I have a lot of friends that have chosen to come to Edgehill just as I have. There are so many things that we can be engaged in. I have wanted to participate in everything that is available here." – Bobbi H.
Amenities and services you would expect to find at a grand hotel.
- Spacious Apartments
- Heated Pool
- Housekeeping
- Fitness Center
- Paved Walking Paths
- Beautician/Barber

"At Edgehill, you have a choice to live any kind of lifestyle you would like. There are activities for everyone. It's a fun place to be." – Gail S.
The fine dining experience is a crowd favorite.
- Theme Nights
- Special Requests
- Two Restaurants
- Chef-prepared Meals
- Wine Dinners
- Professional Servers

"What I really love is, after having raised three active boys, I do not have to cook anymore. The food is wonderful. The camaraderie of the dining room is great." – Mary G.